class asynchat.async_chat:这个类是asyncore.dispatcher的抽象子类。一般使用其collect_incoming_data()和found_terminator()方法,asyncore.dispatcher的方法都可以使用,尽管不是所有在消息/响应上下文都有意义。
async_chat.set_terminator(term) 设定终止符号。类型如下:
string: Will call found_terminator() when the string is found in the input stream。
integer: Will call found_terminator() when the indicated number of characters have been received。
None: The channel continues to collect data forever。
像asyncore.dispatcher, async_chat定义了一组由select()调用后的socket条件分析生成的事件。轮询循环开始后async_chat对象的方法被事件处理框架调用,不需要程序员干预。。两个类的属性可以修改,以提高性能,甚至节省内存。
不像asyncore.dispatcher, async_chat允许您定义生产者的先进先出队列(FIFO)。生产者有唯一的方法中more(),返回通道上要传输的数据。生产者没有数据时返回空字符串。这时async_chat对象从FIFO移除生产者并开始使用下一个生产者,如果有的话。当生产者FIFO为空时handle_write()什么都不会做。通道对象的set_terminator()方法来识别远端的结束,重要的断点,输入。
class asynchat.fifo([list=None]): 辅助类asynchat.fifo的方法如下:
is_empty(): Returns True if and only if the fifo is empty.
first(): Returns the least-recently push()ed item from the fifo.
push(data): Adds the given data (which may be a string or a producer object) to the producer fifo.
pop(): If the fifo is not empty, returns True, first(), deleting the popped item. Returns False, None for an empty fifo.
下例说明如何通过async_chat读取HTTP请求。 Web服务器可以为每个传入客户端连接创建一个http_request_handler对象。请注意, 初始的信道终结符设置为HTTP头的末尾空行和一个表示正在读取头的标志。
数据整理完毕, 设置terminator为None,确保web客户端不会读取多余的数据之后调用handle_request()进行数据处理。
class http_request_handler(asynchat.async_chat): def __init__(self, sock, addr, sessions, log): asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock=sock) self.addr = addr self.sessions = sessions self.ibuffer = [] self.obuffer = "" self.set_terminator("\r\n\r\n") self.reading_headers = True self.handling = False self.cgi_data = None self.log = log def collect_incoming_data(self, data): """Buffer the data""" self.ibuffer.append(data) def found_terminator(self): if self.reading_headers: self.reading_headers = False self.parse_headers("".join(self.ibuffer)) self.ibuffer = [] if self.op.upper() == "POST": clen = self.headers.getheader("content-length") self.set_terminator(int(clen)) else: self.handling = True self.set_terminator(None) self.handle_request() elif not self.handling: self.set_terminator(None) # browsers sometimes over-send self.cgi_data = parse(self.headers, "".join(self.ibuffer)) self.handling = True self.ibuffer = [] self.handle_request()
下面实例来源于《The Python Standard Library by Example 2011》,更详细。
import asyncoreimport loggingimport socketfrom asynchat_echo_handler import EchoHandlerclass EchoServer(asyncore.dispatcher): """Receives connections and establishes handlers for each client. """ def __init__(self, address): asyncore.dispatcher.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.bind(address) self.address = self.socket.getsockname() self.listen(1) return def handle_accept(self): # Called when a client connects to our socket client_info = self.accept() EchoHandler(sock=client_info[0]) # Only deal with one client at a time, # so close as soon as the handler is set up. # Under normal conditions, the server # would run forever or until it received # instructions to stop. self.handle_close() return def handle_close(self): self.close()
asynchat_echo_handler.py: EchoHandler继承asynchat.async_chat,收发可以自动处理,不过需要处理如下东东:
该示例应用程序有两种工作模式。它要么等待像"ECHO length\n"之类的命令,要么等待要显示的数据,通过实例变量process_data切换模式。一旦找到完整的命令,处理程序切换到消息处理模式,并等待接收的完整文本。当所有的数据可用时,它被推入到输出信道。数据被发送处理程序被设置为关闭。
import asynchatimport loggingclass EchoHandler(asynchat.async_chat): """Handles echoing messages from a single client. """ # Artificially reduce buffer sizes to illustrate # sending and receiving partial messages. ac_in_buffer_size = 128 ac_out_buffer_size = 128 def __init__(self, sock): self.received_data = [] self.logger = logging.getLogger('EchoHandler') asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self, sock) # Start looking for the ECHO command self.process_data = self._process_command self.set_terminator('\n') return def collect_incoming_data(self, data): """Read an incoming message from the client and put it into the outgoing queue. """ self.logger.debug( 'collect_incoming_data() -> (%d bytes) %r', len(data), data) self.received_data.append(data) def found_terminator(self): """The end of a command or message has been seen.""" self.logger.debug('found_terminator()') self.process_data() def _process_command(self): """Have the full ECHO command""" command = ''.join(self.received_data) self.logger.debug('_process_command() %r', command) command_verb, command_arg = command.strip().split(' ') expected_data_len = int(command_arg) self.set_terminator(expected_data_len) self.process_data = self._process_message self.received_data = [] def _process_message(self): """Have read the entire message.""" to_echo = ''.join(self.received_data) self.logger.debug('_process_message() echoing %r', to_echo) self.push(to_echo) # Disconnect after sending the entire response # since we only want to do one thing at a time self.close_when_done()
import asynchatimport loggingimport socketclass EchoClient(asynchat.async_chat): """Sends messages to the server and receives responses. """ # Artificially reduce buffer sizes to show # sending and receiving partial messages. ac_in_buffer_size = 128 ac_out_buffer_size = 128 def __init__(self, host, port, message): self.message = message self.received_data = [] self.logger = logging.getLogger('EchoClient') asynchat.async_chat.__init__(self) self.create_socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) self.logger.debug('connecting to %s', (host, port)) self.connect((host, port)) return def handle_connect(self): self.logger.debug('handle_connect()') # Send the command self.push('ECHO %d\n' % len(self.message)) # Send the data self.push_with_producer( EchoProducer(self.message, buffer_size=self.ac_out_buffer_size) ) # We expect the data to come back as-is, # so set a length-based terminator self.set_terminator(len(self.message)) def collect_incoming_data(self, data): """Read an incoming message from the client and add it to the outgoing queue. """ self.logger.debug( 'collect_incoming_data() -> (%d) %r', len(data), data) self.received_data.append(data) def found_terminator(self): self.logger.debug('found_terminator()') received_message = ''.join(self.received_data) if received_message == self.message: self.logger.debug('RECEIVED COPY OF MESSAGE') else: self.logger.debug('ERROR IN TRANSMISSION') self.logger.debug('EXPECTED %r', self.message) self.logger.debug('RECEIVED %r', received_message) returnclass EchoProducer(asynchat.simple_producer): logger = logging.getLogger('EchoProducer') def more(self): response = asynchat.simple_producer.more(self) self.logger.debug('more() -> (%s bytes) %r', len(response), response) return response
import asyncoreimport loggingimport socketfrom asynchat_echo_server import EchoServerfrom asynchat_echo_client import EchoClientlogging.basicConfig(level=logging.DEBUG, format='%(name)-11s: %(message)s', )address = ('localhost', 0) # let the kernel give us a portserver = EchoServer(address)ip, port = server.address # find out what port we were givenmessage_data = open('lorem.txt', 'r').read()client = EchoClient(ip, port, message=message_data)asyncore.loop()
# vi lorem.txt Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donecegestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrumleo, a elementum elit tortor eu quam.
# ./asynchat_echo_main.py EchoClient : connecting to ('', 58974)EchoClient : handle_connect()EchoHandler: collect_incoming_data() -> (8 bytes) 'ECHO 166'EchoHandler: found_terminator()EchoHandler: _process_command() 'ECHO 166'EchoProducer: more() -> (128 bytes) 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec\negestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrum\n'EchoHandler: collect_incoming_data() -> (128 bytes) 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec\negestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrum\n'EchoProducer: more() -> (38 bytes) 'leo, a elementum elit tortor eu quam.\n'EchoHandler: collect_incoming_data() -> (38 bytes) 'leo, a elementum elit tortor eu quam.\n'EchoHandler: found_terminator()EchoHandler: _process_message() echoing 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec\negestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrum\nleo, a elementum elit tortor eu quam.\n'EchoProducer: more() -> (0 bytes) ''EchoClient : collect_incoming_data() -> (128) 'Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Donec\negestas, enim et consectetuer ullamcorper, lectus ligula rutrum\n'EchoClient : collect_incoming_data() -> (38) 'leo, a elementum elit tortor eu quam.\n'EchoClient : found_terminator()EchoClient : RECEIVED COPY OF MESSAGE
《The Python Standard Library by Example 2011》
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